Harbor Cheatsheet
Harbor API
HarborCluster (owns)
├── Harbor
│ ├── Core
│ │ └── core Service (type: LoadBalancer)
│ ├── Registry
│ │ └── registry/registryctl Service
│ ├── RegistryController
│ ├── JobService
│ │ └── jobservice Service
│ ├── Portal
│ └── Exporter
│ └── exporter Service
├── postgresql
└── redis
API objects:
- harborcluster
- harborconfiguration
- harbor
- harborserverconfiguration
- jobservice
- notaryserver
- notarysigner
- portal
- pullsecretbinding
- registry
apiVersion is goharbor.io/v1beta1
, e.g.
apiVersion: goharbor.io/v1beta1
kind: HarborCluster
apiVersion: goharbor.io/v1beta1
kind: Registry
Databases are not included in Harbor, e.g. Redis can use:
apiVersion: databases.spotahome.com/v1
kind: RedisFailover
# https://github.com/spotahome/redis-operator
Harbor Components
Harbor is not a single binary, but a group of components: harbor-core
, harbor-jobservice
, nginx
, registryctl
, registry
, harbor-portal
, redis
, harbor-db
, harbor-log
- cache: Redis
- database: PostgreSQL
- storage: FileSystem
: expose Harbor metrics in Prometheus format.
Harbor Deployment
There are two possible ways we can run Harbor:
- As Docker containers managed by Docker compose.
- As containers inside of Kubernetes. In this case, installation is done by Helm. (More details below.)
Harbor is deployed as several Docker containers. You can therefore deploy it on any Linux distribution that supports Docker. The target host requires Docker, and Docker Compose, openssl to be installed.
Harbor Settings
- system settings:
- user settings: via HTTP requests https://goharbor.io/docs/2.0.0/install-config/configure-user-settings-cli/
Get registry url
# use jq
REGISTRY=$(kubectl get harborcluster/harbor -n harbor-system -o json | jq -r '.spec.externalURL')
# use jsonpath; remove "https://"
REGISTRY=$(echo $(KUBECONFIG="/path/to/kubeconfig" kubectl get harborcluster POD_NAME -n NAMESPACE -o jsonpath='{.spec.externalURL}') | sed s#https://##)
# Configure registry certificates.
mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/${REGISTRY} && echo $(KUBECONFIG="/path/to/kubeconfig" kubectl get secret ca-cert-${REGISTRY//:/.} -n NAMESPACE -o jsonpath='{.data.ca\.crt}' ) | openssl base64 -A -d > /etc/docker/certs.d/${REGISTRY}/ca.crt
Check content in registry by curl
# List all images
$ curl -u admin:admin -k | jq
# List all tags of one image
$ curl -u admin:admin -k http://myregistry:5000/v2/mymage/tags/list
Harbor Robot Accounts
- cannot log in to the Harbor interface
- can only perform operations using
CLI. - Harbor does not store robot account tokens; you can store them in k8s as Secrets.