
Cloud Native

Cloud native landscape: https://landscape.cncf.io/



  • [CNCF Graduated] Kubernetes


kubeadm vs kops:

  • Kops creates infrastructure, while Kubeadm does not.
  • Kops manages cluster lifecycle, while Kubeadm does not.

Provision Tools

  • Metal3 (https://metal3.io/): to provision bare-metal hosts.
    • Dependencies: Metal3 -> OpenStack Ironic -> PXE
    • Ironic (https://ironicbaremetal.org/) is responsible for provisioning the bare-metal server, Metal3 just provides a k8s API. (similar to ceph vs rook)
    • The Metal3 baremetal operator watches for BareMetalHost objects
    • PXE (Preboot Execution Environment) boot: to install a fresh OS on new or malfunctioning computers. On the client side it requires only a PXE-capable network interface controller (NIC), for operating system booting, installation and deployment in data centers.

Artifacts Managments

  • [CNCF Graduated] Harbor: container registry. Since version 1.6.0 Harbor is now a composite cloud-native registry which supports both container image management and Helm charts management.
  • [CNCF Graduated] Helm: the package manager for k8s. (similar to npm for node.)

Container Runtime

  • [CNCF Graduated] containerd
  • [CNCF Graduated] cri-o

Storage / Databases

  • [CNCF Graduated] etcd: key-value store, used by k8s.
  • [CNCF Graduated] Vitess: horizontally scale MySQL
  • [CNCF Graduated] TiKV: distributed transactional key-value db, in Rust
  • [CNCF Graduated] Rook: orchestrating Ceph on top of k8s; Ceph: a distributed fs.

Logging / Monitoring

  • [CNCF Graduated] Prometheus: monitoring
  • [CNCF Graduated] Jaeger: tracing
  • [CNCF Incubating] OpenTelemetry: tracing. Merging OpenCensus and OpenTracing.
  • [CNCF Graduated] Fluentd / Fluentbit: push logs
    • Fluentd: written in Ruby, built as a Rube Gem, uses more memory.
    • Fluent Bit: written in C, 0 dependencies, much smaller. A CNCF Sub-Project Under The Umbrella Of Fluentd.
  • Grafana: view logs
  • Grafana Loki: store logs


3 areas: image security, runtime security, policy management.

  • [CNCF Graduated] TUF: a framework, various tools implement this spec
  • [CNCF Incubating] Notary: an implementation of the TUF spec. Docker uses Notary behind the scenes.
  • [CNCF Graduated] OPA: use the same policy language, model, API for all cloud native projects.
  • [CNCF Incubating] Falco: container runtime security, parses Linux system calls from the kernel.

Key Management

  • [CNCF Graduated] Spiffe
  • [CNCF Graduated] Spire


  • [CNCF Incubating] CNI: the interface
  • Cilium
  • Calico
  • Flannel
  • [CNCF Graduated] CoreDNS
  • [CNCF Incubating] Cilium: eBPF-based Networking, Observability, Security. https://cilium.io/
  • [K8S SIG] External DNS: NOT a DNS server itself, but merely configures other DNS providers accordingly, e.g. AWS Route 53 or Google Cloud DNS.

Service Mesh and Proxy

Injects sidecar config into the YAML.

  • [CNCF Graduated] Envoy: service proxy, sidecar.
  • [CNCF Graduated] Linkerd
  • [CNCF Incubating] Istio


VM: KubeVirt

Read: kubevirt

Application Frameworks

  • Quarkus: an alternative to spring boot. Java based. Better performance, Container First, kubernetes native, microservice first. Quarkus brings immutability to containers, faster startup, and more predictability.


  • [CNCF Incubating] cert-manager is the de facto standard for X.509 certificates in Kubernetes environments. cert-manager adds certificates and certificate issuers as resource types in Kubernetes clusters, and simplifies the process of obtaining, renewing and using those certificates. https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager
  • step-ca: an online Certificate Authority (CA) for secure, automated X.509 and SSH certificate management.

Knative: Serverless

[CNCF Incubating] Knative: https://knative.dev/.

Kubernetes-based platform to deploy and manage modern serverless workloads.

Serverless users are afraid of vendor lock-in, so Knative is created to make serverless standardized and portable.

  • Knative is the open source version
  • Google Cloud Run is an internal implementation of the same Knative Serving API, running on Google's internal infrastruction (i.e. on borg, not on k8s).
  • Google Cloud Run for Anthos (now reborn as Knative serving under GKE Enterprise) is using the open source Knative running on k8s (GKE)

gRPC: RPC framework

Read more: gRPC


The Linux Foundation vs CNCF: The Linux Foundation is the parent of CNCF. CNCF is one of the LF’s largest sub-foundations.

Most of these projects are hosted in CNCF; some are directly under LF; some are independent.