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O(1) getMin


Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time.

  • push(x) -- Push element x onto stack.
  • pop() -- Removes the element on top of the stack.
  • top() -- Get the top element.
  • getMin() -- Retrieve the minimum element in the stack.


A separate minStack.

  • push: push to stack as usual; if the new value is smaller or equal to the top of minStack, push to minStack
  • pop: pop stack usual; if the top value of the stack is also the top value of minStack, pop minStack as well
  • top: return stack top value
  • getMin: return minStack top value

Key Points

Duplicates: make sure you push duplicated values to minStack, i.e. push to minStack if the new value is smaller or equal to the top of minStack, otherwise this example will fail:

push(1), push (1), pop(), pop()

x < getLast(minStack)

  • push(1):
    • stack: [1]
    • minStack: [1]
  • push (1):
    • stack: [1, 1]
    • minStack: [1]
  • pop:
    • stack: [1]
    • minStack: []
  • pop:
    • stack: []
    • minStack: IndexOutOfBoundsError

x <= getLast(minStack)

  • push(1):
    • stack: [1]
    • minStack: [1]
  • push (1):
    • stack: [1, 1]
    • minStack: [1, 1]
  • pop:
    • stack: [1]
    • minStack: [1]
  • pop:
    • stack: []
    • minStack: []

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