
Kotlin vs Java

Null Safety

  • Java: variables are nullable. NullPointerException is a common issue.
  • Kotlin: variables are non-nullable by default (to avoid NPE); use ? for nullable variables, e.g. var a: String?

Data Class and Records

Kotlin data class is similar to Java record, with some differences:

  • Java record does not have copy() method.
  • data class variables can be var or val; record variables are all final.
  • data class can inherit from other non-data classes; record has no inheritance.
  • data class can define non-constructor mutable variables; record can define only static variables.


  • Kotlin supports coroutines in an extension library kotlinx.coroutines. (Not at the language level or in the standard library.)
  • Java: Project Loom is trying to add coroutines / fibers to Java but it is not finished yet.


  • Kotlin: provides the ability to extend a class with new functionality without having to inherit from the class or use design patterns such as Decorator.
  • Java: you have to create a new class and inhrit from the parent class.

Checked Exceptions

  • Kotlin: no checked exceptions, developers do not need to declare or catch exceptions.
  • Java: have both checked and unchecked exceptions.

Companion Object

  • Java: use static keyword to declare class members (used without an instance).
  • Kotlin: no static keyword but can use a companion object.

Class Inheritance

  • Java: methods can be overridden by default; a final class cannot be subclassed.
  • Kotlin: classes cannot be inherited by default; a open class can.

Sealed Class

Both Kotlin and Java (since Java 17) support Sealed Class.

Before Java 17, Java has the following options for inheritance control:

  • A final class can have no subclasses.
  • A package-private class can only have subclasses in the same package.

switch vs when

  • Java uses switch:

    switch ( ... ) {
      case X:
      case Y:
  • Kotlin uses when:

    when ( ... ) {
      condition -> ...
      condition -> ...
      else -> ...

Operator Overloading

  • Kotlin supports operator overloading; Java does not.